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Ransom Cook

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The best diet for twelve year old junior tennis athlete in New England

[fa icon="calendar'] May 12, 2016 5:05:57 PM / by Ransom Cook

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When preparing for local, sectional or national tournaments, designing the best diet for a twelve year old junior tennis athlete in New England is essential. A healthy diet and body is a key element in contributing to their peak performance.

Pre-Match Nutrition

The state of a junior’s nutrition prior to playing a match, or to training, can have a real impact on the outcome. The best diet for twelve year old junior tennis athlete in New England should include the right amount of fat, protein, mineral and vitamins. That said, carbohydrates and fluid intake are the most important pre-match foods. Whole-wheat pasta, lentils, figs, blueberries, oranges, beans, oatmeal, whole grain breads, hummus and low fat yogurt (plain yogurt is best, so try to avoid ones with too much sugar) are optimal choices for your child. These are low glycemic foods that tend to be higher in fiber or contain protein. They can be converted into glucose more slowly than high-glycemic foods; thus, less insulin is needed to regulate blood sugar. About 50 to 70 percent of a 12-year-old player’s total daily calorie intake should be from low-glycemic carbohydrates. Conversely, no more than 10 percent of the calories they eat should come from high-glycemic foods. Steer clear of sugared soft drinks, processed grains (white bread), French fries, pastries, scones, sugared cereals, syrup, whipped cream, chips and movie popcorn.


Post-Match Nutrition

After a match, a player’s primary goal is to restore fluids, electrolytes, and carbohydrates. If the next match is scheduled to begin within 1 to 2 hours, then re-hydration and carbohydrate intake should begin immediately.

Drink, Drink, Drink!

Drink at least 80 oz. of hydrating fluids per day. Replace a liter per hour during match play. Sports beverages or water are best on the court. Juices, milk, and any other decaffeinated beverages are fine during the day. Avoid high sugar drinks on the court like fruit juice and sodas. Drink before getting thirsty!

Nutrition During Play

As mentioned, carbohydrates and fats are the best sources of energy during a tennis practice or match. However, carbohydrate and water are the only nutrients that need to be consumed while playing tennis. For some players, salt intake during play is important for maintaining fluid balance and preventing heat-related muscle cramps.


Nutrition Prep List

- Eat a balanced diet.

- Eat breakfast every day.

- Avoid high-sugar foods.

- Build muscles by eating complete protein foods like tuna, turkey, chicken, lean meats, peanut butter, cheese and low-fat milk.

- Before a tennis match, be sure carbohydrate stores are full. Note: pre-match carbohydrate intake should start at least by the previous evening.

- Drink fluids on a regular basis (beginning at least the night before), including water as well as juice, milk, and sport drinks.

- Drink before practice and pre-match warm-ups.

- Rehydrate and replace carbohydrate loss after a match for quick recovery.


For parents and coaches designing the best diet for twelve year old junior tennis athlete in New England can be a challenge. Kids this age come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important to consider the individual junior’s physicality when designing a nutrition regimen. And don’t forget, the effectiveness of any sound nutrition program is greatly enhanced when integrated with proper training methods, periodization and adequate rest.

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Why not to have Chocolate Milk in diet for a Junior Tennis Athlete

[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2016 7:51:26 PM / by Ransom Cook

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1. Chocolate Milk Gives Cramps

Everyone love choclate milk except tennis coaches.There’s a lot of advice out there when it comes to sports and nutrition. Every person is unique and processes foods in different ways. What is good for me may not be so great for you, and vice versa. I might benefit from deleting eggs from my diet while you might need three eggs a day to perform at your peak. There are so many factors at play when it comes to nutrition, including genes, sleep patterns, stress levels, exposure to toxins etc., so researching what works best for you is a challenge - but the findings are key to improving your game. Outline in this blog is why you shouldn't have chocolate milk in diet for a junior tennis athlete. 

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